Opdat. 15. august 2022

Lobsang Painted by Picasso

Dortmund maj 2015 - Jugend Frühjahrsieger, (junior forårsvinder 2015) 

20.06.2015 Excellent Juniorklasse, plac. 3

Nice sized dog of good type, good head and expression, showing a Little underlip today, nice neck and good topline, good rib, front a Little close, good hind quarters, good coat, moved well behind, but toeing in in front.

21.06.2015 Excellent Juniorklasse, plac. 3

Masculine, typical proportion and outlines, masculine head, a bit long jaw and under bite, a bit low set ears, well angulated, good coat texture, moves well in rear a bit narrow in front.

01.11.2015 Very Good Mellemklasse, plac. 3

Masculine dog, slightly longer than high, good skull, muzzle could be wider and with more cushioning. Round eyes. Good ears. Good body. Slightly bowed front. Feet not complet harefeet. Good coat. Is not comfortable in the ring.

11.06.2016 Very Good Mellemklasse, plac. 1

2 years old, balanced masculine head, acceptable bite, good length of neck, good shoulder, rear angulations, hocks, topline all acceptable, not happy to be handled, moves without fault, need table practise